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Link:  Things An Accountant Can Help With


Description:  What's a small business accountant good for? Wondering how to use an accountant to help grow your business? This site looks at things that an accountant can help you with. After all, they can do much more than just crunch numbers!



Link:  US Small Business Association (SBA)


Description:  Small business is America's most powerful engine of opportunity and economic growth. That's where SBA comes in. SBA offers a variety of programs and support services to help you navigate the issues and resources to assist after you open for business. Their services include small business loans.


Link:  IRS Requirements,,id=99336,00.html


Description:  Internal Revenue Service information/requirements for Starting a New Business.  This site provides the rather technical (but not totally inclusive) outline of what a new small business must do.  As with most government information, the phrases, forms and text can seem like a foreign language mixed with math formulas.  Often business owners have the ominous concerns of having been timely and IRS compliant and/or wondering if they have maximized their deductions, credits and allowances.

Link:  Hiring a Bookkeeper or an Accountant


Description:  Accountants aren’t just there to keep the books …they're there to help you run your business … smarter.  A small-business consultant at the Marvin and Co. accounting firm in Latham, New York, estimates a savings of 35 percent when you use a bookkeeper instead of a CPA.

Link:  Suggested Reading


Description:  Small Business Trends has put together this list of top 10 best management books every small business owner should read.  Like other professionals (doctors, real estate agents, teachers, etc.) continuing education allows us to step outside the daily ruts of operating the business, and fine-tune our policies and practices according to current market trends, changes in employment law or product development.


Of course, by turning your bookkeeping duties over to Conch, you’ll have more time to read these books.  On the other hand, since one of the services we at Conch provide is business management guidance, many business owners don’t have to invest the time reading these books.  Instead, they’ve gained more “personal/family time.”



So again, CONGRATULATIONS!  Since you’ve made it this far, it’s obvious that you are serious about aligning your business with a professional team.  We eagerly await your call … standing by to help with the strategic process of furthering your business success.


Be sure to check out our corporate partnering on


   . . .


another benefit we gladly offer our busy clients.



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Phone: (305) 433-1829

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Key West, Florida 33041


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